Peer Empowerment Network

is funded by:

United Way –
Cambria County Behavioral Health -
Cambria County Commissioners Office -


Quarterly Reports

​Consumer Family Satisfaction Teams (C/FST) are present in every Pennsylvania County. Comprised of consumers who have received or are currently receiving services, family members, and persons in recovery, C/FST conducts confidential, voluntary, face-to-face interviews with consumers of mental health and drug and alcohol services in Cambria County. The information gathered by C/FST is shared with local providers, Magellan, and Cambria County Behavioral Health/Intellectual Disabilities and Early Intervention.

The C/FST survey process improves services, identifies gaps or trends in service provision, determines consumer needs, and provides a platform for the consumer and family perspective. All C/FST employees must comply with state and federal laws, regulations, and rules concerning the confidentiality of mental health consumers and recipients of drug and alcohol treatment services.


FUH Addendum


2022-2023 Quarterly Reports

Annual Reports

2021-2022 Quarterly Reports