Peer Empowerment Network
is funded by:
United Way –
Cambria County Behavioral Health -
Cambria County Commissioners Office -
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March 2025
Take Notes
REMINDER- The Center follows the Greater Johnstown School District's schedule for winter weather closings. We will also post information about closings on our Facebook at PEER EMPOWERMENT NETWORK
March 3rd & 4th & 31st- Staff in Service Days - The Center will be closed - Staff will be working at the Center and are available should you need assistance. Please be sure to knock loudly on the doors as we will be in various parts of the Center and it is difficult to hear.
Special Events:
Wednesday, March 5th, 12th,& 19th(birthday)_ 1:00 pm join us for some BINGO!
Thursday, March 6th,13th, & ,20th- Estudio Appts. Wash and Blow Out - by appointment only.
Thursday, March 6th - 4:00 to 8:00 - D&D - Please remember to bring a snack to share or $1.00-$5.00 to contribute for the snacks/drinks cost.
Friday, March 7th, 14th, 2l5t, 28th- 6:00 - LGBTQ-The group will meet every Friday at
6:00 PM. Alternating Social and Support groups.
Friday, March 7th, 14th, and 21st - 10-2 - Open Arts with Dr. Talbot
Monday, March 10th- 10:00 - Craft - Please sign up. 539-2724.
Monday, March 10th- 1:00-Tea & Talk.
Monday, March 17th1:00 Trivia.
Wednesday, March 19th - Produce to people >TRANSPORTATIO NOT PROVIDED
Monday-Thursday, March 24th- March 27th Join us for the week as we explore and celebrate diverse cultures through food, music, dance, history, and traditions. We hope you will gain an understanding and acceptance of these places and cultures.
Monday, March 24th- 10:00 Flight, Check-in & Arrival to the Middle East
Tuesday, March 25th- 10:00 Flight, Check-in & Arrival to Greece & Italy
Wednesday, March 26 - 10:00 Flight, Check-in & Arrival to Mexico
Thursday, March 27th- 10:00 Flight, Check-in & Arrival to China & Japan
Thursday, March 27th - 6:00pm International Dinner and Dance Location TBD - $10.00 to attend all week of events.
Friday, March 28th- CLOSED
Educational Opportunities:
Thursday, March 20that 1:00 - CSP Meeting .Thursday, March 27th at 4:00- Grief Support